Friday 2 August 2013

Donkey Kong 3

Donkey Kong is a fixed-shooter arcade game series. In this post, I will focus on the third series of Donkey Kong, which is Donkey Kong 3. Donkey Kong 3 was released for the family computer as well as arcade. Donkey Kong 3 was published by Nintendo in 1983. Donkey Kong 3 can be played in single-player and multi-player mode.

Donkey Kong is a simple game which requires player to give a simple action as well. The player is allowed to move the Stanley (a bug-man) either to the right or left. The bug-man also sprays a bug spray to the insects the ape stirs.

In Donkey Kong 3 arcade version, we could see trees, two beehives and two sticks which the ape moves up and down. In the lower part of the screen, we could also see flowers which Stanley, the bug-man needs to protect.

The game concept of Donkey Kong 3 is there is a bug-man called Stanley. Stanley has flowers which show in the lower part of the screen. Donkey Kong is an annoying ape which makes Stanley's greenhouse in danger. The ape stirring up the beehive which produces angry insects that will soon destroy Stanley's flowers. Stanley needs to save his flowers by shooting bug spray on Donkey Kong as well as the insects. The insects are variety from buzz bees, beespies, queen bees, creepy caterpillars, butterflies, beetles, moth, beebombs, and vine eaters. The caterpillars will come down from the trees which show on the both side of the screen. Stanley would force the ape upwards and finally to the top of the screen to finish the level and get into the next level.

Stanley needs to protect his flowers from being stolen by the insects. To finish the level, Stanley needs to spray the bug spray to the ape to make the ape upwards until it reaches to the top.

The challenge of the is to kill the insects while to make sure the ape doesn't come off from its place (keep shooting him until it reaches to the top of the screen). However, the more level, the difficult and the more insects are coming up. This makes the player will be overwhelmed.

All images is derived from: Google Image.

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