Wednesday 14 August 2013

Robotron: 2084

Robotron (or marketed as Robotron: 2084) is an arcade game released in 1982 and was developed by Vid Kidz. Robotron is a fixed shooting game which features two-dimensional graphics. The 2084 in the game title means year 2084, in fictional world where human and robots have a war and against each other in a cybernetic revolt. Robotron is a single-player mode game. This game was released by Williams Electronics. Back to the 80s this game was one of the most frantic game ever, because the the game was set to give a panic reaction to the player by presenting the enemies (robotron) coming from multiple directions.

The player is able to move around the superhuman using joystick in one of eight ways. The superhuman is also able to shoot the enemies (Robotron). When the superhuman touches any enemies, the superhuman will explode. In arcade version, there are two joysticks, the left is to control the movement of the character, and the right is to control the direction of character's weapon fires.

The superhuman is the figure in the middle in white. The fire he shoots is represented in the blue one-line which is getting to the bottom right in above picture.

The graphics of this game is very simple. The figures are represented mostly in two colours. The setting is vague because it only uses a black colour as its background and the view is top-down perspective so we couldn't really see any other stuffs. The suitable word for the setting is probably space-like environment.

The concept for this game was simple. In the year 2084, this game delivers a story that robots are turned up against the human race. The robots are no longer safe, and think human as a threat. There is one nameless superhuman who are attempting to save the last human family.

The goal of this game is simply to save the last human race from the existence by shooting the fire laser to the robots without being touched by the robots since it will destroy him.

This game was very famous on giving panic feeling to the players by presenting the multiple enemies coming from different directions. The more you shoot the fire, the closer the robots are going to be. So the player really needs to shoot the fire efficiently and kill all of the robots before they touch the character. The more level, the faster the robots move towards the characters and it sometimes gives the fear feeling to the player as the character is surrounding by the robots.

There are so many robots approaching the super human which is super challenging.

All images is derived from: Google Image.
Play Robotron!

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